nanxi, one of the first fully developed forms of Chinese drama.
Nanxi emerged in the area around Wenzhou in southern China during the Song dynasty (960–1279). Originally the creation of folk authors, the earliest nanxi combined Song plays with local folk songs and ballads. They were characterized by their colloquial language and large number of scenes. Flexible verses (qu) set to popular local music—which made both poetry and music accessible to the ordinary spectator—alternated with vernacular spoken passages. Professional playwrights belonging to Hangzhou’s book guilds (shuhui) wrote large numbers of nanxi for local troupes. Of these, however, only 283 titles and 20 play texts remain. Zhang Xie zhuangyuan (“Top Graduate Zhang Xie”) is one of the best-known of the extant texts. The form was the precursor of the chuanqi (“marvel tale”) style.