Nayanar, any of the Tamil poet-musicians of the 7th and 8th centuries ce who composed devotional hymns of great beauty in honour of the Hindu god Shiva. Among the Nayanars, the poets Nanachampantar, Appar, and Chuntaramurtti (often called “the three”) are worshipped as saints through their images in South Indian temples. The Nayanars were approximately contemporary with their Vaishnavite (Vishnu-worshipping) counterparts, the Alvars. In the 10th century Nambi Andar Nambi collected the hymns of the Nayanars in an anthology called the Tevaram; they were set to Dravidian music for incorporation into the services of South Indian temples. An inscription of the Chola king Rajaraja the Great (985–1014) records his introduction of the singing of the hymns in the great temple at Thanjavur (Tanjore). Often associated with the Nayanars, though probably slightly later in date, is the superb devotional poet Manikkavachakar, whose hymns are collected as Tiruvachakam (“Sacred Utterance”).