Necho I
Necho I (flourished c. 672–664 bc) was the governor of Sais, a city of the Egyptian Nile delta, under the Assyrians and ancestor of the 26th dynasty; he survived the frequent changes of political fortune in Lower Egypt between 670 and 660.
Necho’s ancestor was probably a prince of Libyan descent of the 24th Egyptian dynasty. When in 671 Esarhaddon, king of Assyria, wrested Lower Egypt from Taharqa, the Cushite ruler of the 25th dynasty, Necho was among the local rulers installed by the Assyrians as vassals. After Esarhaddon’s departure Taharqa’s Cushite force reconquered Memphis and Lower Egypt (670–669), defeating the Assyrian occupation force and the Egyptian vassals. Esarhaddon’s death in 669 stalled the Assyrian reaction, but Ashurbanipal, his son and successor, resumed the attack; his forces captured Memphis (667) and began an offensive into Upper Egypt. When Necho and other vassals conspired about 667 in an uprising led by Taharqa, they were detected by the Assyrians and were deported to Nineveh; but about 666–665 Ashurbanipal restored Necho as governor of Sais and later installed Necho’s son, Psamtik I, under an Assyrian name, as ruler of Athribis in the Nile delta.
After Taharqa died (664), his nephew and successor, Tanutamon, led an invasion of Lower Egypt and captured Memphis. Necho thereafter remained loyal to the Assyrians.