Alexander Neckam
Alexander Neckam (born Sept. 8, 1157, St. Albans, Hertfordshire, Eng.—died early 1217, Kempsey, Worcestershire) was an English schoolman and scientist, who was a theology instructor at Oxford, and, from 1213, was an Augustinian abbot at Cirencester, Gloucestershire.
His textbook De utensilibus (“On Instruments”) is the earliest known European writing to mention the magnetic compass as an aid to navigation. His De naturis rerum (“On the Natures of Things”), a two-part introduction to a commentary on the Book of Ecclesiastes, is a miscellany of scientific information at that time novel in western Europe but already known to Greek and Muslim savants. By securing, in his capacity as abbot, a royal charter (1215) for a fair at Cirencester, he helped to make that town a great medieval market for wool.