Julius Nepos
Julius Nepos (died May 9, 480) was the last legitimate Western Roman emperor (reigned 474–475).
Born of a distinguished family, Nepos was sent by the Eastern ruler Leo I to govern Italy as augustus (emperor). He at once deposed the Western emperor, Glycerius, whom Leo regarded as a usurper. Nepos proclaimed himself emperor in June 474. A year later he was obliged to recognize the independence of the Visigothic kingdom centred near present Toulouse, Fr. Later that year the patrician Orestes rose against Nepos and forced him to flee to Dalmatia (August 475). Nepos lived at Salonae (near modern Split, Croatia) for five years, recognized in the East as emperor, though Orestes had proclaimed his young son, Romulus Augustulus, as emperor in the West. Nepos was eventually murdered by friends of Glycerius.