Saint Norbert of Xanten
Saint Norbert of Xanten (born c. 1080, Xanten, Duchy of Lower Lorraine [Germany]—died June 6, 1134, Magdeburg, Saxony; canonized 1582; feast day June 6, among Premonstratensians July 11) was the archbishop of Magdeburg and founder of the Premonstratensians (Norbertines, or White Canons), a congregation of priests.
Norbert was ordained in 1115. Failing to reform his peers at the collegiate church of Xanten, he traveled throughout France and Belgium, preaching moral reform. In 1119 Pope Calixtus II asked him to found a religious institute at Prémontré, Fr. With such notable disciples as Hugh of Fosses and St. Evermod, he established his community, the Premonstratensians, in 1120. The congregation was dedicated to preaching, pastoral work, and education. Norbert adopted the rule of Bishop St. Augustine of Hippo for his new order, and he modeled its constitutions after that of the Cistercians, an austere group of cloistered, vegetarian monks practicing perpetual silence. His monastery at Prémontré became the motherhouse of the Premonstratensians.
Norbert was chosen archbishop of Magdeburg in 1126. He became an important church figure four years later when he defended Pope Innocent II, whose claim to the papacy was threatened by Antipope Anacletus II. Norbert won the German church for Innocent’s cause and influenced the German king Lothar II/III to defend Innocent.