austausch coefficient
austausch coefficient, in fluid mechanics, particularly in its applications to meteorology and oceanography, the proportionality between the rate of transport of a component of a turbulent fluid and the rate of change of density of the component. In this context, the term component signifies not only material constituents of the fluid, such as dissolved or suspended substances, but also constituents of its energy, such as heat and momentum.
In a fluid reacting to mechanical stress by undergoing laminar flow (i.e., nonturbulent viscous flow), the shearing motion of adjacent layers past one another is impeded by friction arising from the migration of individual molecules between the different layers. That is, a fast-moving layer is slowed down by the arrival of molecules from a slower layer, and vice versa. The magnitude of this internal molecular friction, called the viscosity, can be identified as the proportionality between the magnitude of the shearing stress and the rate at which momentum is transported between adjacent layers (i.e., in directions perpendicular to that of the stress and the flow). The flow becomes turbulent if the stress exceeds a certain limit, and the layers become disrupted by the formation of eddies, in which erratic motions of large, multimolecular aggregates of the fluid are superimposed on the bulk flow. In this condition, the rate of transport of momentum and other components greatly exceeds that calculated from the value of the viscosity, and its proportionality to the shear stress is represented by the austausch.