Panlongcheng, Chinese archaeological site dating to about the middle of the Shang dynasty period (c. 1600–1046 bce). The site, located near the confluence of the Yangtze and Hanshui rivers in central Hubei, was first uncovered in 1954 and underwent extensive archaeological excavation beginning in the mid-1970s. More than 30 graves and some storage pits have been found as well as a town wall and palace foundations.
Panlongcheng was an ancient walled town of hangtu construction, covering an area of 850 by 950 feet (260 by 290 meters). Chinese archaeologists have reconstructed its probable layout. There was a large palace, which was a hall in four bays surrounded by a continuous corridor. This is apparently a typical Shang palace type. A wooden coffin found in one of the tombs was incised with an animal mask and designs of thunderclouds. These are the earliest wood carvings yet found in China. Among the other objects discovered were bronze axes with cicada and dragon decorations. Buried together with the owner of these were enslaved people who had been sacrificed.