panegyric, eulogistic oration or laudatory discourse that originally was a speech delivered at an ancient Greek general assembly (panegyris), such as the Olympic and Panathenaic festivals. Speakers frequently took advantage of these occasions, when Greeks of various cities were gathered together, to advocate Hellenic unity. With this end in view and also in order to gratify their audience, they tended to expatiate on the former glories of Greek cities; hence came the encomiastic associations that eventually clung to the term panegyric. The most famous ancient Greek panegyrics to survive intact are the Panegyricus (c. 380 bc) and the Panathenaicus (c. 340 bc), both by Isocrates.
Akin to panegyric was the epitaphion, or funeral oration, such as Pericles’ funeral speech as recorded by Thucydides, a panegyric both on war heroes and on Athens itself.
In the 2nd century ad, Aelius Aristides, a Greek rhetorician, combined praise of famous cities with eulogy of the reigning Roman emperor. By his time panegyric had probably become specialized in the latter connection and was, therefore, related to the old Roman custom of celebrating at festivals the glories of famous men of the past and of pronouncing laudationes funebres at the funerals of eminent persons.
Another kind of Roman eulogistic speech was the gratiarum actio (“thanksgiving”), delivered by a successful candidate for public office. The XII Panegyrici Latini, an ancient collection of these speeches, includes the gratiarum actio delivered by Pliny the Younger when he was nominated consul by the emperor Trajan in ad 100. Late Roman writers of the 3rd to the 5th century indiscriminately praised and flattered the emperors in panegyrics that were sometimes written in verse.
Although primarily a literary form associated with classical antiquity, panegyric continued to be written on occasion in the European Middle Ages, often by Christian mystics in praise of God, and in the Renaissance and Baroque periods, especially in Elizabethan England, in Spain during the Golden Age, and in France under the reign of Louis XIV.