Pastoureaux, (French: “Shepherds”), the participants in two popular outbreaks of mystico-political enthusiasm in France in 1251 and 1320. The first Pastoureaux were peasants in northeastern France who were aroused in 1251 by news of reverses suffered by King Louis IX in his first crusade against the Muslims. Accusing the nobles, clergy, and bourgeoisie of indifference to the king’s fate, they began pillaging churches and towns. The regent of France, Blanche of Castile, who initially supported the movement, easily had the Pastoureaux put down and dispersed.
More serious was the mass rising of the Pastoureaux in 1320, directed against Philip V, whom they blamed for not undertaking a crusade. Led on by unfrocked priests and charlatans, the Pastoureaux converged on Paris. There they held the king besieged and helpless while they sacked the city and expanded their ranks with convicts released from the prisons. Still clamouring for a crusade, they marched, about 40,000 strong, southwestward into the Garonne Valley, indulging in pogroms against Jews and lepers on the way. They were finally routed by the seneschal of Carcassonne; scattered bands still roamed through southern France in 1322.