Phalaris (died c. 554 bc) was the tyrant of Acragas (modern Agrigento), Sicily, notorious for his cruelty. He is alleged to have roasted his victims alive in a bronze bull, their shrieks representing the animal’s bellowing. A statue of a bull of some kind seems to have existed, but the facts surrounding its use have been embellished. For example, the supposed designer of the bull, Perilaus, or Perillus, was said to have been the first man executed in it.
After assuming the responsibility for building the temple of Zeus Atabyrios, in the citadel at Acragas, Phalaris armed his workers and seized power. Under his rule Acragas seems to have prospered and to have expanded its territory. The splendid layout of the city probably belongs to his time. Eventually Phalaris was overthrown by Telemachus, the ancestor of Theron (tyrant 488–472 bc). It is said that the deposed tyrant was burned to death in his own bronze bull.
Contrary to the legends that stress the cruelty of Phalaris, he was represented by the sophists of the Roman Empire as a humane and cultured man. The famous 148 Letters of Phalaris were proved by the great English classical scholar Richard Bentley, in his Dissertation on the Letters of Phalaris (1699), to have been written much later by a sophist or rhetorician, possibly Adrianus of Tyre (d. c. ad 193).