John Robinson Pierce
John Robinson Pierce (born March 27, 1910, Des Moines, Iowa, U.S.—died April 2, 2002, Sunnyvale, California) was an American communications engineer, scientist, and father of the communications satellite.
Pierce attended the California Institute of Technology (Caltech), Pasadena, receiving his Ph.D. in electrical engineering in 1936. That year he began working for Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc., New York City. He improved the traveling-wave tube, which is used as a broadband amplifier of microwaves, and designed a new electrostatically focused electron-multiplier tube, used as a sensitive radiation detector. His Pierce electron gun produces high-density electron beams. During World War II he collaborated on the low-voltage reflex klystron oscillator that was almost universally used in U.S. radar receivers. In 1948 Pierce coined the term transistor to describe the new solid-state device invented at Bell Laboratories.
In 1952 Pierce became director of electronics research at the New Jersey division of Bell Laboratories at Murray Hill. Two years later he began work on the theory of communications satellites. Although he wrote numerous papers detailing the advantages of using satellites to relay radio communications to all parts of the Earth, his ideas were largely ignored. Seeing the opportunity offered by the Echo balloon satellite for studying space phenomena, he persuaded the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) to convert the 100-foot (30-metre) aluminized sphere into a radio-wave reflector. Echo I was launched on August 12, 1960. The success of the communications experiments carried out with Echo I provided the impetus to develop Telstar, a satellite designed to amplify signals from one Earth station and relay the signals back to another Earth station. These early satellites marked the beginning of efficient worldwide radio and television communication. Pierce traced their development in an article on satellite communication for the 15th edition of Encyclopædia Britannica, first printed in 1974.(See the Britannica Classic: Satellite Communication.)
Pierce retired from Bell Laboratories in 1971 and became professor of engineering at Caltech. From 1979 to 1982 he was chief technologist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, and in 1983 he joined Stanford University’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics. He had begun writing science fiction in high school and later published stories under the pseudonym J.J. Coupling; in one of his stories he forecast the advent of communications satellites. His nonfiction works include Traveling-Wave Tubes (1950), Symbols, Signals, and Noise (1961), and The Science of Musical Sound (1983, rev. ed. 1992).