ayagapata, in Jainism, any of numerous votive slabs associated with such Jain sites as Kankali Tila in Mathura, India, and dating to about the 1st century ce. The slabs are decorated with an object of Jain veneration such as the stupa (relic mound), dharmacakra (wheel of law), triratna (three jewels), astamangala (eight auspicious symbols), and caityavriksha (sacred tree) or with an image of a Tirthankara (saviour) or of a venerable monk. They bear a close resemblance to earlier shilapatas—stone slabs placed under trees in connection with the worship of yaksa (nature deities) and tree spirits—and suggest to some authorities the close connection between the Jain religion and ancient indigenous folk traditions. The ayagapata was apparently set up on a platform underneath a tree as an object of worship or possibly as an aid to meditation.