Polaris, Earth’s present northern polestar, or North Star, at the end of the “handle” of the so-called Little Dipper in the constellation Ursa Minor. Polaris will be closest to the north celestial pole in about 2100, and, because of the precession of Earth’s axis, in several centuries Polaris will be several degrees away. Polaris is actually a triple star, the brighter of two visual components being a spectroscopic binary with a period of about 30 years and a Cepheid variable with a period of about 4 days. Its changes in brightness are too slight to be detected with the unaided eye. The apparent visual magnitude of the Polaris system is 2.00. It is about 447.6 light-years from Earth, and, because it is the closest Cepheid variable, measurement of its distance is important for calibrating other means of measuring cosmic distances. See also polestar.