proteinuria, presence of protein in the urine, usually as albumin.
Protein is not normally found in the urine of healthy individuals. When detected, proteinuria may be indicative of illness or underlying disease. However, while proteinuria is a sign of many different conditions and diseases, it arises from one of only three primary mechanisms: abnormal function of the glomerular structures of the kidneys, abnormal function of the proximal tubule of the kidneys, or abnormally high levels of protein in the serum (overflow proteinuria). Protein levels in the urine may rise temporarily as a result of fever, strenuous physical activity, dehydration, or exposure to extreme cold. Proteinuria occurring in pregnant women who have urinated from an upright position is known as orthostatic proteinuria and typically is harmless.
In mild cases of proteinuria, individuals may be asymptomatic, and the condition is detected only as a result of routine laboratory testing. Heavy proteinuria (excretion of more than four grams of protein per day) indicates serious kidney disease and usually produces symptoms, in particular frothy urine. Severe proteinuria can result in protein wasting and renal damage. Treatment of the condition depends on the underlying cause.