Purus River
Purus River, river that rises in several headwaters in southern Ucayali department, Peru. It flows in a generally northeasterly direction through the rainforests of Peru and Acre state, Brazil. Entering Amazonas state, Brazil, the Purus meanders sluggishly northward, eastward, and northeastward to join the stretch of the Amazon River upstream from Manaus, known as the Solimões River.
At its mouth (3,900 feet [1,200 metres] wide) the river divides into numerous branches that emerge across from the Ananás e Consciência Islands. The Purus is practically a great drainage ditch for the half-submerged, lake-flooded district that it traverses. Most of its 1,995-mile (3,211-km) course is navigable, as are the many lakes formed near its shores. The river, once known as the Coxiuara, is one of the world’s most-meandering streams; the straight-line distance from its rising to its mouth is less than half that of its meanders. Rubber is gathered from forests along its course.