quaestor, the lowest-ranking regular magistrate in ancient Rome, whose traditional responsibility was the treasury. During the royal period, the kings appointed quaestores parricidii (quaestors with judicial powers) to handle cases of murder.
With the advent of the republic in the year 509 bce, each of the two consuls, who at first were called praetors, appointed a quaestor to be the custodian of the public treasury. After 447 bce the two quaestors were elected each year by the tribal assembly. The quaestorship became the first magistracy sought by an ambitious young man. Later in the century it was decreed that plebeians could hold the office, and the number of quaestors was increased to four. Two served as quartermasters to the two consuls when they were in the field, and the other two stayed in Rome to supervise the financial affairs of the treasury.
As Rome proceeded with its conquest of Italy, four more were added and given responsibility for raising taxes and securing recruits from the conquered territories. Each provincial governor had his own quaestor as quartermaster and tax collector. In the provinces the quaestors sometimes performed military functions as well.
In the 2nd century bce the minimum age for quaestors was 28. After their term expired, they usually entered the Senate. After Sulla became dictator in 82 bce, the minimum age was raised to 30, the quaestors’ entrance into the Senate was made automatic, and the number of quaestors was raised to 20. In 45 bce Julius Caesar increased the number to 40, but the emperor Augustus returned it to 20 and weakened the powers and responsibilities of the office. The quaestors’ financial responsibilities were eventually assumed by imperial officers. By the 4th century ce the quaestorship was purely honorary and was held usually by men of wealth for social status.
The quaestor intra Palatium of the late empire, newly created under the emperor Constantine I, replaced the praetorian prefect in the internal administration. He headed the consistorium (the imperial council), drew up laws and answers to petitions, and was responsible for the list of minor staff officers (laterculum minus).