rampion, any member of the genus Phyteuma, of the bellflower family (Campanulaceae), consisting of about 40 species of perennial plants with long, clustered, hornlike buds and flowers. The genus is native to sunny fields and meadows of the Mediterranean region.
Round-headed rampion (P. oribiculare) produces deep-blue heads of 15 to 30 flowers that sit on a circle of bractlike leaves atop a stem about 45 cm (1.5 feet) tall. Stem leaves are unstalked and narrow; basal leaves are long-stalked and oval and arise from a creeping rootstalk. Spike rampion (P. spicatum) has oblong spikes of yellowish white flowers. Some species of rampion are grown as garden ornamentals. “Rampion” also refers to Campanula rapunculus, whose turniplike roots and leaves are eaten in salads.