Gustav Ratzenhofer
Gustav Ratzenhofer (born July 4, 1842, Vienna—died Oct. 8, 1904, at sea) was an Austrian soldier, military jurist, and sociologist. He was a Social Darwinist who conceived of society as a universe of conflicting ethnic groups, and who thought that sociology could guide the human species into higher forms of association.
Ratzenhofer’s formal education ended after a short time in secondary school. He rose in the Austrian Army from cadet (1859) to field marshal and president of the supreme military court, Vienna (1898–1901), where he developed his interest in the social sciences. After his successful army career he wrote on philosophy, sociology, and political science. Professionally and intellectually a tough, self-made man, he was naturally inclined to join Herbert Spencer and others in applying to human society Charles Darwin’s biological theory of the struggle for existence and survival of the fittest.
His political and sociological writings are especially concerned with the development of types of human associations. He felt that large social groups evolve from less complex social units in conflict. He reduced social phenomena to chemical, physical, and biological concerns, finding man’s basic drives rooted in his biological nature. Every human being, he felt, tended to act according to such basic drives, establishing a state of “absolute hostility” in human interaction, which in turn is the source of all group conflict. Ratzenhofer chose racial groups as his units for analysis.
His writings include Wesen und Zweck der Politik, (3 vols., 1893; “The Character and Purpose of Politics”), Die sociologische Erkenntnis (1898; “Sociological Perception”), Positive Ethik (1901; “The Positive Ethic”), Die Kritik des Intellekts (1902; “Critique of the Intellect”), and Soziologie (1907; “Sociology”).