redfish, (Sebastes norvegicus), commercially important food fish of the scorpionfish family, Scorpaenidae (order Scorpaeniformes), found in the North Atlantic Ocean along European and North American coasts. Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpionfish. A common fish, perchlike in form, it has a large mouth, large eyes, and a number of spines on its head and cheeks, and it may grow to about 1 metre (39 inches) long.
Related species include Sebastes owstoni, a food fish of East Asia, and S. viviparus of Europe (the Norway redfish, which, along with S. norvegicus, is also referred to as the Norway haddock). Both are red and grow to about 25 cm (10 inches) long.