reflection nebula
reflection nebula, interstellar cloud that would normally be a dark nebula (or molecular cloud) but whose dust reflects the light from a nearby bright star that is not hot enough to ionize the cloud’s hydrogen. The famous nebulosity in the Pleiades star cluster is of this type; it was discovered in 1912 that the spectrum of this nebula mimics the absorption lines of the nearby stars, whereas bright nebulae that emit their own light show their own characteristic emission lines. The brightest reflection nebulae are illuminated by B-type stars that are very luminous but have temperatures lower than about 25,000 K, cooler than the O-type stars that would ionize the hydrogen in the gas and produce an H II region. The extent and brightness of reflection nebulae show conclusively that dust grains are excellent reflectors in the broad range of wavelengths extending from the ultraviolet (as determined from observations from space) through the visible. Optical observations suggest that about 60–70 percent of the light is reflected rather than absorbed, while the corresponding fraction for Earth is only 35 percent and for the Moon a mere 5 percent. Grains reflect light almost as well as fresh snow, more because of their favourable size (which promotes scattering rather than absorption) than their chemical composition. Calculations show that even graphite, which is black in bulk, reflects visible light well when dispersed into small particles.