regolith, a region of loose unconsolidated rock and dust that sits atop a layer of bedrock. On Earth, regolith also includes soil, which is a biologically active medium and a key component in plant growth. Regolith serves as a source of other geologic resources, such as aluminum, iron, clays, diamonds, and rare earth elements. It also appears on the surfaces of the Moon, other planets, and asteroids; however, the material found on other celestial bodies explored so far does not contain soil. The word is the Greek term for “blanket rock.”
On Earth, regolith is largely a product of weathering. Bedrock may be exposed to water or other compounds that percolate through the soil, or it may occur as an outcrop (that is, a deposit of rock exposed at Earth’s surface). These chemicals can alter the rock’s mineral content over time, breaking down some material into smaller components and separating it from the bedrock layer. Bedrock can also become regolith as a result of mechanical weathering, a process that breaks the rock into smaller pieces through the application of a force, such as thermal expansion, freeze-thaw cycles, or scouring by particles carried by wind and water. Plant roots can also assist the weathering process by penetrating and widening cracks already present in the rock.
On the Moon, regolith occurs as a mixture of powdery dust and broken rock. Lunar regolith is formed by the impact of meteorites on the body’s surface. The force of the collision melts some of the impacted regolith to form objects known as agglutinates and heaves debris (ejecta) outward from the point of impact. Regolith development on asteroids also follows the lunar pattern. On Mars, sand has been shown to make up a significant portion of the regolith, whereas on Saturn’s moon Titan, regolith is composed of water ice and hydrocarbon ice.