Revolutionary Tribunal
Revolutionary Tribunal, court that was instituted in Paris by the National Convention during the French Revolution for the trial of political offenders. It became one of the most powerful engines of the Reign of Terror.
The news of the failure of the French armies in Belgium gave rise in Paris to popular movements on March 9–10, 1793; and on March 10, on the proposal of Georges Danton, the Convention decreed that there should be established in Paris an extraordinary criminal tribunal, which received the official name of the Revolutionary Tribunal by a decree of Oct. 29, 1793. It was composed of a jury, a public prosecutor, and two substitutes, all nominated by the Convention; and from its judgments there was no appeal. With M.J.A. Hermann as president and A.-Q. Fouquier-Tinville as public prosecutor, the tribunal terrorized the royalists, refractory priests, and all the other participants in the counterrevolution. Soon, too, it came to be used for personal ends, particularly by Maximilien Robespierre, who employed it for the condemnation of his adversaries.
The excesses of the Revolutionary Tribunal increased with the growth of Robespierre’s ascendancy in the Committee of Public Safety. On June 10, 1794, there was promulgated, at his instigation, the Law of 22 Prairial, which forbade prisoners to employ counsel for their defense, suppressed the hearing of witnesses, and made death the sole penalty. Before 22 Prairial the Revolutionary Tribunal had pronounced 1,220 death sentences in 13 months; during the 49 days between the passing of the law and the fall of Robespierre, 1,376 persons were condemned, including many innocent victims.
The lists of prisoners to be sent before the tribunal were prepared by a popular commission and signed, after revision, by the Committee of General Security and the Committee of Public Safety jointly. Robespierre was the principal purveyor of the tribunal. The Revolutionary Tribunal was suppressed on May 31, 1795. Among its most celebrated victims were Marie-Antoinette, the Dantonists, and several of the Girondists. Similar tribunals operated in the provinces.