Louis Riel
Louis Riel (born Oct. 23, 1844, St. Boniface, Assiniboia [western Canada]—died Nov. 16, 1885, Regina, District of Assiniboia, Northwest Territories, Can.) was a Canadian leader of the Métis in western Canada.
Riel grew up in the Red River Settlement in present-day Manitoba. He studied for the priesthood in Montreal (though he was never ordained) and worked at various jobs before returning to Red River in the late 1860s. In 1869 the settlement’s Métis population was alarmed by arrangements to transfer the territorial rights of their settlement from the Hudson’s Bay Company to the Dominion of Canada. They were especially worried about the expected influx of English-speaking settlers that this transfer would bring. Riel became spokesman for the Métis insurgents, who managed to halt the Canadian surveyors and prevent the governor-designate, William McDougall, from entering Red River. They then seized Fort Garry (now Winnipeg), the headquarters of the Hudson’s Bay Company, and established a provisional government with Riel as president to negotiate acceptable terms of union with Canada.
During the insurgency, Riel’s government court-martialed and executed Thomas Scott, an English-speaking Canadian, because he had been strongly opposed to the insurgency. Scott’s death was used as a symbol to stir up hostility in Ontario toward the Métis. In 1871 Riel urged his followers to join with other Canadians in repulsing a threatened attack by American Fenians (Irish revolutionaries), for which he received public thanks. In 1873 he was elected a member of the Dominion Parliament for Provencher, but, though he took the oath in Ottawa, he did not assume his seat. The following year he was expelled from the House but was quickly reelected for Provencher. In 1875 Riel reported having a holy vision that called him to become a prophet for the Métis, who were identified as a people favoured by God. This claim and Riel’s other behaviour concerned some of his followers, who committed him to a mental hospital in Quebec in 1876. He was released the following year. In 1879 he moved to Montana and later married and started a family.
In 1884 a delegation of Métis from the Northwest Territories appealed to Riel to represent their land claims and other grievances to the Canadian government. He returned to Canada, and, though he tried to proceed through legal means, he later established a provisional government (March 1885). A brief armed uprising followed, but this was quickly crushed by the military might of the Canadian government, and Riel surrendered. He was tried in Regina, found guilty of treason, and hanged. His death led to fierce outbreaks of ethnic and religious disagreement in Quebec and Ontario, helping to galvanize French Canadian nationalistic opposition to the federal government.