road race
road race, in bicycle racing, a contest run on a course marked out over open roads and highways. It may be several laps of a closed circuit, a point-to-point or town-to-town race, or a combination of several point-to-point stages lasting several days, with the winner being decided on the basis of lowest cumulative time for all the stages, as the Tour de France.
Usually, all contestants begin at the same time, and the first one to reach the finish line is the winner. Other methods are used, however, especially in the longer tours, in which some stages may be run as a time trial, with riders sent off at intervals, racing against the clock. Normal mass-start stages usually include a short sprint through a town, with a prize or a few seconds’ time bonus awarded to the winner. Road races are part of the Olympic cycling program for men (from 1896) and for women (from 1984).