roselle, (Hibiscus sabdariffa), plant of the hibiscus, or mallow, family (Malvaceae) and its fibre, one of the bast fibre group. Roselle is probably native to West Africa and includes Hibiscus sabdariffa, variety altissima, grown for fibre, and H. sabdariffa, variety sabdariffa, cultivated for the edible external portion of its flower (calyx). The plant, known in the West Indies early in the 16th century, was growing in Asia by the 17th century. Extensive cultivation in the Dutch East Indies (now Indonesia) began in the 1920s under a government-subsidized program established to obtain fibre for sugar-sack manufacture.
Although a perennial, roselle is usually grown as an annual and propagated from seed. It grows best in loamy well-drained soil, mainly in tropical climates, and requires rainfall averaging about 25 cm (10 inches) each month throughout the growing season. The plant is very sensitive to frost. Stalks and leaves range from dark green to reddish; flowers are creamy white or pale yellow. For fibre crops, seeds are sown close together, producing plants 3 to 5 metres (10 to 16 feet) high, with little branching. The stalks, cut when buds appear, are subjected to a retting process, then stripped of bark or beaten, freeing the fibre. In some areas, retting time is reduced by treating only the bark and its adhering fibre. Plants for food crops, more widely spaced, are shorter and many-branched, and their calyxes are picked when plump and fleshy.
The fibre strands, 1 to 1.5 metres (3 to 5 feet) long, are composed of individual fibre cells. Roselle fibre is lustrous, ranges in colour from creamy to silvery white, and is moderately strong. It is used, often combined with jute, for bagging fabrics and twines. India, Java, and the Philippines are major producers.
In many tropical areas, the red, somewhat acid calyxes of H. sabdariffa, variety altissima, are used locally for beverages, sauces, jellies, preserves, and chutneys. They can also be eaten fresh and are similar in flavour to cranberries. The leaves and stalks are consumed as salads or cooked vegetables and are used to season curries. In tropical Africa the oil-containing seeds are eaten. Many parts of the plant are used in traditional medicine to treat a variety of ailments.