Sanchi, historic site, west-central Madhya Pradesh state, central India. It lies in an upland plateau region, just west of the Betwa River and about 5 miles (8 km) southwest of Vidisha. On a flat-topped sandstone hill that rises some 300 feet (90 metres) above the surrounding country stands India’s best-preserved group of Buddhist monuments, collectively designated a UNESCO World Heritage site in 1989.
The most noteworthy of the structures is the Great Stupa (stupa no. 1), discovered in 1818. It was probably begun by the Mauryan emperor Ashoka in the mid-3rd century bce and later enlarged. Solid throughout, it is enclosed by a massive stone railing pierced by four gateways, which are adorned with elaborate carvings (known as Sanchi sculpture) depicting the life of the Buddha, legends of his previous births, and other scenes important to early Buddhism (notably Ashoka’s visit to the Bo tree in Bodh Gaya). The stupa itself consists of a base bearing a hemispherical dome (anda), symbolizing the dome of heaven enclosing the earth. It is surmounted by a squared rail unit (harmika) representing the world mountain, from which rises a mast (yashti), symbolizing the cosmic axis. The mast bears umbrellas (chatras) that represent the various heavens (devaloka).
Other remains at the site include several smaller stupas, an assembly hall (chaitya), an Ashokan pillar with inscriptions, and several monasteries (4th–11th century ce). A number of relic caskets (containers holding various remains of the Buddha) and more than 400 epigraphical records have also been discovered. Pop. (2001) 6,784; (2011) 8,401.