Sansin, in Korean religion, a guardian spirit residing in mountains, whose cult has been closely associated with mountain tigers and is still fostered in Korean Buddhist temples. In early indigenous religion of Korea, worship of sacred mountains gradually gave way to worship of wild bears, wolves, and especially tigers, who roamed the mountains. There are, consequently, numerous names for Lord of the Mountain still current in Korea, each of which signifies a tiger. The animal reputedly can be dispatched by angry mountain spirits to harm villagers and cattle when worship is neglected. Examples of sansindo, a traditional painting type, characteristically depict a tiger and an old man (or monk in Buddhist robes), though most mountain spirits other than the tiger itself are considered female.
Worship of Sansin is most pronounced during festivals that have been celebrated throughout Korea for many centuries. During the Silla dynasty (57 bce–935 ce) such events were held at 42 locations under state auspices. From the 10th to the 14th century state-sponsored festivals were held at 13 sites in spring and autumn with shamans and female musicians leading the festivities. The Chosŏn (Yi) dynasty (1392–1910), despite its Confucian ideology, encouraged continuation of the semi-annual festivals, because the rituals included prayers for national well-being and security. Peasants also selected sacred mountains as sites for altars and added a celebration at the beginning of the year.
In modern Korea, Sansin festivals are observed in the hope that the mountain god will provide a good harvest, drive away evil spirits, and prevent disease and drought. Offerings are made at one or more of three altars: one designated for nut fruit only, one for vegetables, and one for meat, wine, cake, soup, and fruit—the last altar being the most popular. Traditionally, the celebration takes place at midnight. The site, preferably a natural stone altar surrounded by trees, must be determined by a “pure male”—i.e., a respected villager in his 40s who has no worries and no sick relative at home.