scale insect
scale insect, any member of several families of insects (order Homoptera) that have a body covered by a protective waxy shell, often resembling scales or cottony cushions. The waxy covering is secreted by the insect after it settles on the plant where it will feed. Depending on the family, this scale may be hard and either smooth or sculptured, or it may be waxy and either smooth or filamentous. The eggs are always protected in that they are either embedded in a mass of waxy filaments or sheltered beneath the female’s body or the scale she secretes. Upon hatching, the immature scales, known as crawlers, disperse over the plant before selecting a location where they will feed.
Adult females are wingless and have reduced legs and antennae, whereas the males have one pair of delicate wings, well-developed legs and antennae, and no mouthparts. Each species of scale insect is restricted in its range of host plants. Scale insects may attack roots, bark, leaves, twigs, or fruits of plants. Serious plant pests are the San Jose scale, the oystershell scale, the scurfy scale, and the purple and red scale of citrus. Other species—including the cochineal insect, the lac insect, and the ground pearls—have some commercial value. See Chinese wax; cottony-cushion scale; ground pearl; oystershell scale; San Jose scale; scurfy scale.