Georg, Ritter von Schönerer
Georg, Ritter (knight) von Schönerer (born July 17, 1842, Vienna, Austria—died Aug. 14, 1921, Rosenau bei Zwettl) was an Austrian political extremist, founder of the Pan-German Party (1885). He was a virulent anti-Semite and was perhaps the best-known spokesman for popular antidemocratic sentiments in the late empire.
A left-wing Liberal when first elected to the Reichsrat (federal parliament) in 1873, Schönerer gradually developed what was to be his characteristic Prussophile, anti-Semitic position. He eventually acquired a strong personal following, especially among the Viennese lower middle class and the fraternities (Burschenschaften). His Pan-German Party languished after his imprisonment for an assault on a newspaper office (1888) but quickly revived following his reelection to parliament in 1897. Schönerer led the attacks upon the pro-Czech language ordinances of that year and was popularly credited with having driven the prime minister, Count Kasimir Badeni, from office. He became closely associated with the anti-Catholic Los von Rom movement after 1898, though more for nationalistic than for religious reasons. As a national political figure, he reached the peak of his influence in 1901, when 21 Pan-Germans were returned to the Reichsrat; his violent temperament, however, so disrupted the party that by 1907 it had all but disappeared from Austrian parliamentary politics. This did not diminish his long-lasting ideological influence. Consequently, one of his most ardent followers was the young Adolf Hitler.