Bertrand Barère
Bertrand Barère (born September 10, 1755, Tarbes, France—died January 13, 1841, Tarbes) was a leading member of the Committee of Public Safety that ruled Revolutionary France during the period of the Jacobin dictatorship (1793–94); his stringent policies against those suspected of royalist tendencies made him one of the most feared revolutionaries.
Reared in a middle-class family of lawyers and ecclesiastics, Barère studied law at the University of Toulouse and in 1777 became a magistrate at Tarbes. Traveling to Paris in 1788, he came into contact with liberal and republican ideas and came to support suppression of local parlements and the creation of a popular national assembly.
In 1789 Barère helped draw up the cahiers de doléances (list of grievances) of Bigorre, Tarbes, for which he served as deputy to the Estates-General. By autumn 1789 he had joined the Club of the Jacobins and was serving on the Committee on Domains, organized to dispose of crown property; he also edited a leading newspaper. Prominent in Paris by 1790, he supported Maximilien Robespierre and espoused a larger role for the Revolutionary government in 1791. After the mob attack on the Tuileries Palace (August 1792), he was in agreement with the imprisonment of King Louis XVI, and by 1793 he was an outspoken regicide.
In January 1793 Barère made his “Report to the French Nation,” supporting nationalism and war against the royalist powers of Europe as an extension of revolutionary principles. His political power reached its apex when he helped found the first Committee of Public Safety in April 1793, was elected its secretary, and formulated much of its propaganda on the “aristocratic conspiracy.” By August he supported the confiscation of émigrés’ estates, the expulsion of all Bourbon princes, the decree for mass conscription and a national army, and the Committee’s policy of absolute economic and diplomatic control. The following spring he was appointed head of cultural propaganda.
After Robespierre’s execution in July 1794, Barère’s popularity diminished rapidly, and his arrest and deportation were ordered in 1795, although he escaped to Bordeaux. In 1799 Napoleon granted him amnesty and in 1803 made him “reporter of public opinion,” but, after the First Restoration of the Bourbon monarchy (1814), he shifted his loyalties to the crown. Elected deputy during Napoleon’s Hundred Days, he was placed on the police list after the Second Restoration in 1815 and was forced to flee to Belgium. He returned to Paris in 1830 and was elected to the general council of the Hautes-Pyrénées in 1833.
Barère’s Mémoires was published in four volumes in 1842–44.