Secular Games
Secular Games, celebrations held in ancient Rome to mark the commencement of a new saeculum, or generation. The games originated with the Etruscans, who, at the end of a mean period of 100 years (as representing the longest human life in a generation), presented the underworld deities with an expiatory offering on behalf of the coming generation. As practiced by the Romans the festival lasted three days and three nights, during which sacrifices were made to various deities. Originally the gods of the underworld were worshiped in the ceremony, but later Apollo, Diana, and Leto were introduced, probably by the emperor Augustus (reigned 27 bc–ad 14).
The first definitely attested Roman celebration of the games took place in 249 bc, the second was in 146, and the third, under Augustus, in 17. It was for the games that the poet Horace composed his Carmen saeculare (Secular Hymn). Other celebrations, also commemorating the founding of Rome, took place in ad 47, 88, 147, 204, 248, and 262. In 1300 they were revived by Pope Boniface VIII and called the papal jubilees.