Seikan Tunnel
Seikan Tunnel, undersea tunnel linking Japan’s main island of Honshu with the northern neighbouring island of Hokkaido. The Seikan Tunnel is the second longest tunnel in the world, after the Gotthard Base Tunnel in Switzerland. It is 53.8 km (33.4 miles) long, 23.3 km (14.3 miles) of which lie under the Tsugaru Strait that separates Honshu from Hokkaido. The tunnel contains a rail line, and the building of the tunnel was sponsored by the Japanese National Railways. Construction of the tunnel began in 1964 and was completed in 1988. The digging employed as many as 3,000 workers at one time and took 34 lives in all because of cave-ins, flooding, and other mishaps. The tunnel remains one of the most formidable engineering feats of the 20th century.
Despite the tremendous engineering, construction, and financial efforts that it involved, the Seikan Tunnel is of only limited use, since passenger air travel between Honshu and Hokkaido is quicker and is almost as cheap as rail travel through the tunnel itself. When the tunnel was first planned in the 1950s, ferries were the chief means of transport between the main island and Hokkaido, and the sinking of a ferry boat in the Tsugaru Strait during a typhoon in 1954 with a loss of more than 1,400 lives galvanized plans for the tunnel’s construction. Since then, air transport has become much more practicable, and the Seikan Tunnel carries significantly fewer passengers than originally projected. However, the tunnel remains an important hub for freight trains, especially for transporting agricultural goods. In 2016 the tunnel began to accommodate Shinkansen “bullet trains,” and other passenger lines were discontinued. Accommodating both high-speed and freight trains has posed a logistical problem, as the Shinkansen trains can generate a shock wave in a tunnel setting that poses a threat to freight trains on the narrow-gauge track. The Shinkansen thus cannot travel at full speed if a freight train is also in the tunnel, and transit must be carefully coordinated.