seriema, South American bird of grasslands, constituting the family Cariamidae (order Gruiformes). There are two species, both restricted to southern-central South America. The red-legged, or crested, seriema (Cariama cristata), with long legs and neck, stands about 60 cm (2 feet) tall. The beak and legs are red, and the plumage is brownish above and dull white beneath, with bluish skin around the eyes. It inhabits grasslands, but the nest is built in bushes or trees. The young are hatched covered with gray down. The seriema feeds on insects, snails, reptiles, and berries.
The black-legged, or Burmeister’s, seriema (Chunga burmeisteri), sometimes called gray seriema, which inhabits wooded areas, is darker and grayer, with a shorter crest and shorter legs.