Seti II
Seti II (flourished 13th–12th century bce) was a king of ancient Egypt (c. 1202–c. 1198 bce).
Seti, the immediate successor of his father, Merneptah, was one of the last rulers of the 19th dynasty (c. 1292–c. 1191 bce), which was marked by short reigns, dynastic intrigue, and usurpations. One of his most serious threats was a rebellion by a usurper, Amenmeses, who claimed the kingship and acquired recognition in Upper Egypt.
Upon his death, Seti was succeeded by Siptah, who was installed on the throne by a Syrian royal butler, Bay, chancellor of Egypt. Siptah was succeeded by Seti II’s widow, Tausert, who counted her reigning years from the year of Seti II’s death (though she effectively reigned only from c. 1192 to c. 1191). Of the rulers or would-be rulers of this period, Seti II was the only one recognized by Ramses III (of the 20th dynasty [c. 1190–c. 1077 bce]) as a legitimate king.
For a list of ancient Egyptian kings, see list of pharaohs of ancient Egypt. For a list of Egyptian dynasties, see list of dynasties of ancient Egypt.