Battle of Barnet
Battle of Barnet, (April 14, 1471), in the English Wars of the Roses, a momentous victory for the Yorkist king Edward IV over his Lancastrian opponents, the adherents of Henry VI. It was fought around Hadley Green, now in East Barnet, just north of London, on Easter Day. Edward, in power since 1461, had in 1470 been driven into exile when his main supporter, Richard Neville, Earl of Warwick, changed sides and restored Henry VI. Returning to England in March 1471, Edward seized London and the person of Henry VI and then moved north to meet Warwick’s advance from Coventry. Warwick chose his positions on April 13. Edward, with his brother the Duke of Gloucester (afterward King Richard III), arrived later, spent the night close to the enemy, and attacked at dawn. Although Edward’s left flank was routed, his right and his centre were victorious. Warwick, who had fought on foot to avert suspicion that he would desert his men, was killed while fleeing. The defeat a month later of an army led by Henry VI’s queen, Margaret of Anjou, and their son at the Battle of Tewkesbury and Henry’s death in captivity left Edward secure until his own death in 1483.