Shāfiʿī, in Islam, one of the four Sunni schools of religious law, derived from the teachings of Muḥammad ibn Idrīs al-Shāfiʿī (767–820). This legal school (madhhab) stabilized the bases of Islamic legal theory, affirming the authority of both divine law-giving and human speculation regarding the law. Rejecting provincial dependence on traditional community practice as the source of precedent, the Shāfiʿī jurists argued for the unquestioning acceptance of the Hadith (traditions concerning the life and utterances of the Prophet Muhammad) as the major basis for legal and religious judgments and for the use of analogical reasoning (qiyās) when no clear directives could be found in the Qurʾān or the Hadith. The consensus of scholars or of the community (ijmāʿ) was accepted but not stressed. The Shāfiʿī school predominates in eastern Africa, parts of Arabia, and Indonesia, as well as among the Kurds.