Philip Barry
Philip Barry (born June 18, 1896, Rochester, N.Y., U.S.—died Dec. 3, 1949, New York City) was an American dramatist best known for his comedies of life and manners among the socially privileged.
Barry was educated at Yale and in 1919 entered George Pierce Baker’s Workshop 47 at Harvard. His A Punch for Judy was produced by the workshop in 1920. You and I, also written while Barry was a student, played 170 performances on Broadway in 1923. Over the next 20 years a succession of plays included such comedies as Paris Bound (1927), Holiday (1928), The Animal Kingdom (1932), and The Philadelphia Story (1939). They are characterized by witty and graceful dialogue and humorous contrasts of character or situation. Many of them use a triangle theme or conflicts between the generations to point up, with almost tender satire, various truths about human nature.
Barry’s thoughtful approach to life is apparent in White Wings (1926), a fantasy considered by some critics Barry’s best play; John (1927), a drama about John the Baptist; Hotel Universe (1930), a penetrating psychological study; and Here Come the Clowns (1938), an allegory of good and evil. His final play, Second Threshold (1951), revised by Robert E. Sherwood after Barry’s death, combines his flair for social comedy and his preoccupation with more serious drama.