Shun, in Chinese mythology, a legendary emperor (c. 23rd century bce) of the golden age of antiquity, singled out by Confucius as a model of integrity and resplendent virtue. His name is invariably associated with that of Yao, his legendary predecessor.
Though Shun’s father repeatedly tried to murder him, the boy’s filial piety (xiao) never faltered. Because heaven and earth knew of his virtue, birds came to assist in weeding his paddies and animals appeared from nowhere to drag the plow. Yao bypassed his own son in choosing Shun as most worthy to rule; he likewise gave Shun his two daughters, E Huang and Nu Ying (also known as Xiang Jun and Fu Ren), in marriage. Shun offered sacrifice to the Six Honoured Ones (whose identity is uncertain) and to the spirits of earth. He is credited with standardizing weights and measures, regulating waterways, and organizing the kingdom into 12 provinces or regions. During his reign, marvelous phenomena occurred in the heavens and on earth.