Sidetic language
Sidetic language, one of the most sparsely documented of the ancient Anatolian languages, Sidetic was spoken in the ancient city of Side on the coast of Pamphylia. The language is known from a few coins and some half-dozen inscriptions, which appear to be votive in nature. The inscriptions date from the 3rd and 2nd centuries bce; the coins are probably somewhat older. Patronymics with an -s suffix, and a word for ‘god’ that is likely cognate with that of Luwian, Lycian, and Carian, argue that Sidetic is an Indo-European language.
Citation Information
Article Title:
Sidetic language
Website Name:
Encyclopaedia Britannica
Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.
Date Published:
07 January 2008
Access Date:
February 22, 2025