St. Simeon Stylites
St. Simeon Stylites (born c. 390, Sisan, Cilicia [near modern Aleppo, Syria]—died 459, Telanissus, Syria; Western feast day January 5; Eastern feast day September 1) was a Syrian Christian hermit who was the first known stylite, or pillar hermit (from Greek stylos, “pillar”). He was called Simeon the Elder to distinguish him from several other stylites also named Simeon.
The son of a shepherd, Simeon entered a monastic community but was expelled because of his excessive austerities and became a hermit. His reputed miracle-working generated popular veneration to such a degree that, to escape the importunities of the people, he began his pillar life northwest of Aleppo about 420. His first column was 2 metres (6 feet) high, later extended to about 15 metres (50 feet), and the platform is said to have been about 1 square metre (about 11 square feet). He remained atop the column for 37 years, permanently exposed to the elements, standing or sitting day and night in his restricted area, protected from falling by a railing, and provided with a ladder to communicate with those below or to receive meagre gifts of food from disciples. Visitors sought spiritual counsel, relief from sickness, intervention for the oppressed, and enlightenment in prayer and doctrine. Simeon apparently converted many people, and he influenced the Eastern Roman emperor Leo I to support the orthodox Chalcedonian party during the 5th-century controversy over the nature of Christ. When he died, his body was found by a disciple and was apparently stooped in prayer. His pillar became a pilgrimage site, and Simeon’s reputation inspired ascetics, both men and women, to emulate and surpass his austerities; some stylites appeared as late as the 19th century in Russia.