Declaration of Sitges
Declaration of Sitges, agreement in 1957 by the rival Colombian political leaders Alberto Lleras Camargo of the Liberals and Laureano Gómez of the Conservatives to form a coalition National Front government to replace the dictatorial regime of Gustavo Rojas Pinilla. Lleras and Gómez, who had met in Benidorm, Spain, in 1956 to discuss the ouster of Rojas, returned the following year to Sitges, where, on July 20, they agreed to a plan devised by Lleras whereby the two parties would share power for the following 12 years.
Under the terms of agreement, the presidency was to alternate between representatives of the two parties, which would also divide equally seats in the cabinet, national legislature, provincial assemblies, and municipal councils. The plan was approved by a referendum held in December 1957, and Lleras became the first National Front president in 1958.