Battle of Sluys
In 1337 Edward III of England laid claim to the French throne, thus starting the lengthy series of conflicts known as the Hundred Years’ War. The first major contact between the two sides was the Battle of Sluys, a naval battle fought off the coast of Flanders on June 24, 1340. England’s victory ended the threat of a French naval invasion and brought it dominance of the English Channel.
In June 1340 a large English fleet commanded by Edward III set sail across the Channel to assert his claim to the French throne. Opposing him was a large French fleet, reinforced with galleys from Genoa and a Norman flotilla, that was drawn up in the inlet of Sluys in Flanders. (The inlet, on the Dutch-Belgian border about 14 miles northeast of Bruges, is now silted in.) The French placed their fleet in a defensive position, their anchored ships lashed together with cables to create a floating platform on which to fight. The Genoese commander, Egidio Boccanegra, kept his galleys free behind the French lines. In response, the English placed one of their ships, smaller and faster than the French vessels even when unchained, filled with knights and swordsmen between two ships packed with longbowmen. Ships of both sides were filled with soldiers because, at this time, naval battles were only fought on the restrictive confines of the ships’ decks.
Battle started at around noon and continued for most of the day and night. Both sides used grappling hooks to hold an enemy ship fast while it was boarded, but it was the English who eventually got the better of the battle. This was because their ships were free to attack the anchored French ships as and when required, and also because their longbowmen produced a more rapid and accurate rate of fire than the French and Genoese crossbowmen. According to the French historian Jean Froissart, as many as 8,000 Flemish militiamen lined the banks of the inlet, killing any French fighters to attempted to flee on land, while English springalds hurled flaming pitch at the French fleet. The result was a disaster for the French, with almost all their 190 ships captured or sunk and both their commanders killed, one of them hanged after the battle. As many as 18,000 French, Norman, and Genoese sailors were killed or wounded in the battle, against English losses of fewer than 4,000. Only the Genoese managed to gain something, seizing two English ships even as most of their galleys were able to escape.
Losses: English, 2 ships captured of 210; French and Genoese, 170 ships captured or sunk of 190.