Seowon, private Confucian academies of the Korean Joseon (Yi) dynasty (1392–1910), founded by the members of the ruling class who did not hold official posts; their purpose was the educating of local yangban, or aristocratic youth. Seowon were usually built on sites associated with famous Confucian scholars of the past. They had their origin in the Paekundong Seowon, established in 1543 by Chu Se-bung, a county magistrate in Gyeongsang province, in honor of the Korean scholar An Yu.
The birth of the seowon at first contributed to the reinvigoration of Confucian learning in Korea. But they soon developed into family and factional power bases that tended to accentuate the growing divisions among the ruling class. Although at their height there were about 600 seowon, most had already been closed before the introduction of modern public educational institutes made their functions outmoded.