Batak Protestant Christian Church
Batak Protestant Christian Church, church in northern Sumatra, Indon., organized as an independent church in 1930 and constituting the largest Lutheran church in Asia. It developed from the work of missionaries of the Rhenish Mission Society, established in Barmen, Ger., in 1828. Under the leadership of the German Lutheran missionary Ludwig Ingwer Nommensen, the missionaries began working among the Batak people in Sumatra in 1862. Resistance to Christianity lessened slowly, and by 1880 entire tribes and villages began converting to Christianity. Nommensen translated Luther’s Small Catechism, the New Testament (1878), and several other works into the Batak language and wrote hymns and a church order for the Batak church. By 1894 the entire Bible had been translated. Education was stressed, and many elementary schools were established in the villages. A Batak mission society extended the mission work among the people.
After the HKBP was organized in 1930, the foreign missionaries began withdrawing; the last of them departed in the 1940s, during World War II and the Indonesian war for independence from the Netherlands. The HKBP was accepted as a member of the Lutheran World Federation in 1952.
The church is divided into districts, each headed by a superintendent. The superintendents make up the church council headed by an ephorus (bishop), who is elected for a specified term of office.