stamen, the male reproductive part of a flower. In all but a few extant angiosperms, the stamen consists of a long slender stalk, the filament, with a two-lobed anther at the tip. The anther consists of four saclike structures (microsporangia) that produce pollen for pollination. Small secretory structures, called nectaries, are often found at the base of the stamens; they provide food rewards for insect and bird pollinators. All the stamens of a flower are collectively called the androecium. For a discussion of the female reproductive parts of a flower, see pistil.
The number and arrangement of stamens, as well as the way in which the anthers release pollen, are important taxonomic characteristics for many flowering plants. The number of stamens is often the same as the number of petals. The presence of numerous stamens is common in many plant families (e.g., Cactaceae, Ranunculaceae, and Rosaceae); most orchids possess only one stamen. In plants with imperfect (unisexual) flowers, the staminate flowers may be borne individually, as in most squash species, or arranged in long clusters known as catkins, as is characteristic of oaks and willows. While the anthers of most angiosperms release pollen through a rupture along one side of each sac, the anthers belonging to members of the heath family (Ericaceae) release pollen through small pores at the anther tip. Some flowers produce sterile stamens, known as staminodes, which may be showy (e.g., on the cannonball tree) or inconspicuous (e.g., in Penstemon species).