
suctorian, any protozoan of the ciliate order Suctorida, which includes both freshwater and saltwater organisms. Suctorians are extremely widely distributed in nature. The young stage is free-swimming; the adult has no body cilia and is generally nonmotile (permanently attached), with tentacles instead of a mouth for feeding. The tentacles may be distributed over the entire body, as in Podophrya, or they may be arranged in discrete areas (e.g., in Ophryodendron they are grouped on the ends of “arms”).

Adult suctorians attach themselves to an object, generally by means of a noncontractile stalk; they then catch and suck the contents of other ciliates and rotifers with their tentacles. Often the prey becomes paralyzed immediately after capture.

Suctorians produce young by either internal or external budding; most other ciliates, by contrast, reproduce by binary fission. The sexual process of conjugation (interchange of nuclear substance between individuals) is also common among suctorians. A few genera (e.g., Allantosoma, Endosphaera) are parasitic on protozoans known as peritrichs. Cyathodinium lives in the intestinal tract of guinea pigs.