Sukhavati, in the Pure Land schools of Mahayana Buddhism, the Western Paradise of the Buddha Amitabha, described in the Pure Land sutras (Sukhavati-vyuha-sutras). According to followers of the Pure Land schools, which are widespread throughout East Asia, rebirth in Sukhavati is ensured by invoking the name of Amitabha, particularly at the moment of death.
According to the “larger” of the Pure Land sutras, only men may be reborn in Sukhavati; this teaching was repeated and adapted by some Buddhist groups as Pure Land teachings spread from India into East Asia. However, some vernacular Buddhist writings, particularly in East Asia, demonstrate a popular belief that women may also enter Sukhavati upon death.
Sukhavati is expressively described in the Pure Land sutras as being a joyous world, soft and glowing, filled with the music of birds and the tinkling of trees adorned with precious jewels and garlands of golden bells. Amitabha sits on a lotus in the midst of a terraced pond, attended by the bodhisattvas (“buddhas-to-be”) Avalokiteshvara and Mahasthamaprapta. The newly dead enter into lotus buds, which unfold when the occupants have become entirely purified and have attained enlightenment. Many are said to be reborn on Earth after leaving Sukhavati to become bodhisattvas working toward the liberation (moksha) of all sentient beings.