sweet shrub
sweet shrub, (genus Calycanthus), genus of small ornamental trees in the family Calycanthaceae, native to North America. They are sometimes cultivated as ornamentals for their aromatic bark and sweet-scented flowers in temperate areas.
Sweet shrub leaves are opposite, simple, and smooth-margined. The petals of the brownish maroon to red magnolia-like flowers integrate with the sepals. The pear-shaped or egg-shaped fruiting body contains many dry single-seeded achenes.
The taxonomy of the group is somewhat contentious, with the number of species ranging from two to four. Eastern sweet shrub, or Carolina allspice (Calycanthus floridus), is a shrub about 3 metres (10 feet) tall from the southeastern United States. Georgia sweet shrub (C. brockianus) is sometimes listed as its own species or as a subspecies of the Eastern sweet shrub. Western sweet shrub, also known as California allspice or California spicebush (C. occidentalis), is from northern California and has dark reddish brown flowers. Chinese sweet shrub was formerly included in the genus but is now listed as Sinocalycanthus chinensis by most authorities.
Remarkably adapted for pollination by beetles, the flowers of this family resemble a lobster trap in which the petals are aligned so that they permit easy entry but block the insect’s escape. A beetle (Colopterus truncatus is the beetle that pollinates C. occidentalis) enters the flower and transfers pollen gathered from a flower it visited earlier to the stigma. After pollen is shed by the flower and lands on the beetle, the inner parts of the flower fold back and the beetle escapes. By this time the stigmas have withered, preventing further pollen germination and ensuring cross-pollination. The innermost parts of the perianth—the stamens and staminodes—have white granular food bodies at their tips on which the beetles feed.