syenite, any of a class of intrusive igneous rocks essentially composed of an alkali feldspar and a ferromagnesian mineral. A special group of alkali syenites is characterized by the presence of a feldspathoid mineral such as nepheline, leucite, cancrinite, or sodalite (see nepheline syenite). Chemically, syenites contain a moderate amount of silica, relatively large amounts of alkalies, and alumina. The name was first used by Pliny the Elder.
The texture of syenites, like that of granite, is granular, and these rocks differ from granite only by the absence or scarcity of quartz. The alkali feldspars present may include orthoclase, perthite, albite, or, more rarely, microcline; the ferromagnesian mineral may be biotite, hornblende, or pyroxene. In the alkali syenites, the amphiboles or pyroxenes frequently contain sodium. The more normal syenites are divisible according to their prevalent dark-coloured mineral into augite-, hornblende-, and biotite-syenites; but, like granites, syenites are also divisible according to the type of alkali feldspar into potash and soda syenites. The accessory constituents include titanite, apatite, zircon, magnetite, and pyrites. Syenites are much less common than granites and diorites. The rocks known as nordmarkite and pulaskite are soda syenites. Rocks transitional between syenites and diorites are known as monzonites.